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Straight teeth are a great asset, both for your appearance and your oral health. 

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Metal braces are the tried and tested method for teeth straightening, correcting the alignment of teeth and facial asymmetry. they consist of metal brackets which are bonded temporarily on the front surface of the  teeth and new heat activated arch wires, that use your body heat to help teeth move more quickly and less painfully.

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Ceramic braces are the same size and shape as metal braces except that they have tooth colored or clear bracket and tooth colored wires to be even less noticeable.

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These are also called law friction braces . This reduces friction even more, since no rubber rings are needed to hold the wire in place. If you don't want colored rings on your braces then this might be a best choice as your teeth can move even more quickly and more comfortably with these braces.

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Invisalign consists of a series of few custom made, mouth guard like clear plastic aligners. The aligners are removable and are replaced time to time. These are almost invisible type of aligners. Patient can eat and drink whatever they want.

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